Moving to digital receipts
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Next time you're in a store, ask for a free Weezmo digital receipt: it's the simple way to manage all your purchases and receive the latest deals, promotions and coupons anytime, anywhere – all from one dashboard. No need for loyalty club cards, no need for registration.

No more paper receipts

Step up to digital receipts, delivered to your smartphone or computer. No more lost papers

Get organized

Manage your purchases in one place: keep receipts for easy returns, Track purchases and expenses; store your warranties.

Maintain privacy

Weezmo never sells your information and does not keep your confidential info.

How it works


When purchasing at a store that offers Weezmo, ask for a receipt.


Provide your phone number: that’s your membership ID.


Weezmo sends a link with your digital receipt, straight to your phone, instantly.

Contact Us

Contact us personally with any questions you have about weezmo